BNF Partnerships

BNF Partnerships

Audit and technical study digitization Heritage digitization offers Digitization on customer site In 2016, the French National Library launched Retronews, an online platform that showcases more than 2,000 print publications published between 1631 and 1952. The library...
Alliance Israélite Universelle

Alliance Israélite Universelle

Web enhancement As an internationally renowned Jewish institution dedicated to education, the Alliance Israélite Universelle (AIU) is uniquely positioned to focus on academic and professional achievement, as well as the transmission of a rich identity rooted in Jewish...


Audit and advice on heritage strategy Management of heritage collections Preventive conservation of heritage Essilor’s roots go back to 1849, when the “Association Fraternelle des Ouvriers Lunetiers” was created in the Marais district of Paris. It soon became the...


Audit and technical study digitisation Design and implementation Digital and physical storage With the world entering the digital era, the L’Equipe newspaper recognised the need to adapt and offer its archived photos in a digital format, ensuring convenient access to...
Institute of France

Institute of France

Heritage digitization Web enhancement The Institute de France, created in 1795, is the custodian of a vast heritage composed of residences, collections and archives, including the Mazarine Library, the Dosne-Thiers Foundation, the Château de Chantilly, and the...